15 research outputs found

    Producción de cuentos y pensamiento crítico en estudiantes de segundo de secundaria en una Institución Educativa Parroquial, Arequipa - 2021

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    La presente investigación se fundamenta en el nivel de la producción de cuentos que alcancen los estudiantes de segundo grado de secundaria, quienes además de utilizar su creatividad e imaginación, deberán formar un pensamiento crítico y reflexivo a través del accionar de sus personajes que expresen sentimientos, pensamientos y emociones razonables. Asimismo, la investigación tiene como objetivo fundamental es el determinar la correlación entre la producción de cuentos y el pensamiento crítico en estudiantes de segundo de secundaria de una Institución Educativa Parroquial, Arequipa 2021. La investigación presenta dos variables; la producción de cuentos y pensamiento crítico, los indicadores de la primera variable son coherencia, cohesión y adecuación; originalidad; figuras literarias; contenido y organización; recursos ortográficos y caligráficos. Además, los indicadores de la segunda variable son: análisis de texto; interpretación del texto; texto de problematizaciones racionales; proceso de juicio intencional y resolución de problemas. El trabajo investigativo es de campo y correlacional. La investigación se llevó a cabo con 32 estudiantes del segundo grado de secundaria. La recolección de datos se produjo a través de la aplicación de una ficha de observación para la producción de cuentos y de un cuestionario sobre el pensamiento crítico. Finalmente, se obtuvo una puntuación de 0.018 en una correlación de acuerdo al nivel de significancia de 0.05, lo que confirma la hipótesis mencionada ya que existe una correlación significativa entre las dos variables de la producción de cuentos y el pensamiento crítico

    Ecological host fitting of Trypanosoma cruzi TcI in Bolivia: mosaic population structure, hybridization and a role for humans in Andean parasite dispersal.

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    An improved understanding of how a parasite species exploits its genetic repertoire to colonize novel hosts and environmental niches is crucial to establish the epidemiological risk associated with emergent pathogenic genotypes. Trypanosoma cruzi, a genetically heterogeneous, multi-host zoonosis, provides an ideal system to examine the sylvatic diversification of parasitic protozoa. In Bolivia, T. cruzi I, the oldest and most widespread genetic lineage, is pervasive across a range of ecological clines. High-resolution nuclear (26 loci) and mitochondrial (10 loci) genotyping of 199 contemporaneous sylvatic TcI clones was undertaken to provide insights into the biogeographical basis of T. cruzi evolution. Three distinct sylvatic parasite transmission cycles were identified: one highland population among terrestrial rodent and triatomine species, composed of genetically homogenous strains (Ar = 2.95; PA/L = 0.61; DAS = 0.151), and two highly diverse, parasite assemblages circulating among predominantly arboreal mammals and vectors in the lowlands (Ar = 3.40 and 3.93; PA/L = 1.12 and 0.60; DAS = 0.425 and 0.311, respectively). Very limited gene flow between neighbouring terrestrial highland and arboreal lowland areas (distance ~220 km; FST = 0.42 and 0.35) but strong connectivity between ecologically similar but geographically disparate terrestrial highland ecotopes (distance >465 km; FST = 0.016-0.084) strongly supports ecological host fitting as the predominant mechanism of parasite diversification. Dissimilar heterozygosity estimates (excess in highlands, deficit in lowlands) and mitochondrial introgression among lowland strains may indicate fundamental differences in mating strategies between populations. Finally, accelerated parasite dissemination between densely populated, highland areas, compared to uninhabited lowland foci, likely reflects passive, long-range anthroponotic dispersal. The impact of humans on the risk of epizootic Chagas disease transmission in Bolivia is discussed

    Bosques políticos: un estudio de la historia ambiental de Salta Forestal S. A. en el período 1974-2017 desde el enfoque de la ecología política

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    La empresa pública Salta Forestal S.A. fue creada en el año 1974 en el departamento Anta de la provincia de Salta. Mediante un aprovechamiento “integral” y “racional” de los bosques, se pretendía suministrar carbón, durmientes y postes a empresas del Estado. Este trabajo examina desde el enfoque de la ecología política la historia ambiental de la empresa en el periodo 1974-2017. Se analizaron documentos escritos, entrevistas a actores sociales relevantes y mapas satelitales poniendo el foco en las relaciones de poder que operaron en la interfaz sociedad-naturaleza. El análisis muestra que Salta Forestal, basada en una ideología eco-modernizadora y en un discurso de desarrollo sustentable, transformó su territorio en un ‘bosque político’ caracterizado por conflictos socioambientales y una profundización de la degradación ambiental. Se concluye que los resultados negativos de la empresa en términos socio-ambientales estaban inscritos en la lógica de las ideas que justificaron su creación.The public firm Salta Forestal S.A. was created in 1974 in the department Anta of the province of Salta. Through an “integral” and “rational” exploitation of the forest, the aim of the enterprise was to supply charcoal and wooden poles demanded by state enterprises. This work examines from the standpoint of political ecology the environmental history of the firm in the 1974-2017 period. Textual, oral and visual sources were analysed with a focus on the power relations that operated in the nature-society interface. The main result of this analysis is that Salta Forestal, based upon an eco-modernizing ideology and a sustainable development discourse, transformed his territory in a political forest characterized by socio-environmental conflicts and a deepening of environmental degradation. The conclusion is that the negative results of the firm in socio-environmental terms were already inscribed in the logic of the ideas that justified his creation.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Peluquería móvil “hair express”

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    El presente emprendimiento tiene como finalidad demostrar que el plan de negocio Hair Express es viable de implementar. Con la propuesta del plan de negocio de peluquería móvil se pretende satisfacer una necesidad que ha tomado mucha importancia en los últimos tiempos que es el cuidado personal y los deseos de ahorrar costos y tiempos (traslados y espera) que se invierten al obtener este servicio en las peluquerías convencionales, tanto en la coyuntura actual de la emergencia sanitaría, como en el día a día actual, donde tenemos menos tiempo libre. El negocio brindará los servicios de peluquería (corte, laceado, tinte, peinados, etc. a domicilio o donde el cliente lo requiera. El público objetivo es hombres y mujeres de 18 a 40 años, del NSE A, B Y C de Lima moderna que asistan por lo menos una vez al mes a la peluquería. Otro factor importante para esta propuesta de negocio es la situación actual del país a consecuencia del Covid -19. A pesar de que desde julio se reinició las operaciones del rubro de peluquería, los usuarios tienen temor a asistir sus locales por miedo al contagio, ya que ponen en riesgo su salud y el de sus familias. Es por ello que HAIR EXPRESS, le dará la solución a su problema, porque el cliente se podrá atender en nuestra móvil cerca a su domicilio sin necesidad de trasladarse, ni tener contacto con personas. La metodología a utilizar será la del planteamiento de hipótesis, las cuales serán comprobadas o descartadas según el resultado de encuestas realizadas a potenciales consumidores. Según las hipótesis finales se desarrollarán las Tarjetas de Prueba, las cuales, según los resultados de estas, al cruzar el resultado de las encuestas y entrevistas, nos permitirán desarrollar las Tarjetas de Aprendizaje. Finalmente, estas últimas nos dirán las necesidades de los clientes, para tenerlas como posibles ofertas de servicio y satisfacer sus necesidades. Con la Pagina de aterrizaje podremos ver la acogida que puede tener nuestro servicio, según la cantidad de visitas y de personas interesadas en obtener nuestras promociones, este número de personas podrá definir el potencial éxito de empezar este negocio. Brindaremos calidad de servicio con estilistas calificados y sobre todo le daremos seguridad.The purpose of this undertaking is to demonstrate that the Hair Express business plan is viable to implement. With the proposal of the mobile hairdressing business plan, it is intended to satisfy a need that has become very important in recent times, which is personal care and the desire to save costs and time (transfers and waiting) that are currently invested in obtaining this service in conventional hairdressing salons, the business will provide hair cutting, lacerating, dyeing and styling services at home or wherever the client requires. The target audience of the business plan is made up of men and women between the ages of 18 and 40, belonging to NSE A, B and C who live in modern Lima who attend the hairdresser at least once a month. Another important factor that we have taken into account for the development of this business proposal is the current situation that the country is going through as a result of Covid -19. Although it is true, since July the operations of hairdressers and companies dedicated to beauty treatments have been restarted, with attention behind closed doors and by appointment, however, users are afraid to attend the premises of the hairdressers for fear of contagion of the coronavirus, since when they move from one place to another they feel that they put their health and that of their families at risk. That is why HAIR EXPRESS will give you the solution to your problem, because the client can be attended on our mobile near their home or place where they request it without having to move to distant places where they would have contact with many people and put them at risk your health. We will provide quality service with qualified stylists and above all we will give you security.Trabajo de investigació

    Traditional livestock activities modify the spatial behavior of small wildcats in the high Andes

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    Human activities lead to declines in species’ abundance and diversity, as well as loss of habitat quality from overexploitation. The effects of livestock grazing increase on small felids are poorly understood, primarily due to the low detectability of these species. The grazing of domestic camelids, such as the llama (Lama glama) and the alpaca (Vicugna pacos), is the main traditional source of income for the inhabitants of the Andes, where the Andean cat (Leopardus jacobita) and Pampas cat (L. colocolo) are also present. In this study, we employ camera trap data to evaluate the association of llama and alpaca grazing with occupancy by the Andean and Pampas cat in Sajama National Park. In each of 36 sampling stations, we installed a camera trap, a grid of traps for rodents and two habitat transects along a gradient of intensity of livestock grazing. Occupancy models showed that negative effect of camelid abundance was stronger for the Andean cat than the Pampas cat. For both species, occupancy was also associated positively to the abundance of prey, proximity to water bodies, and vegetation. Given that livestock activity is a way of life for human populations in the Andes, we suggest that mechanisms should be implemented to compensate for the negative effects of livestock on Andean and Pampas cat populations.Fil: Huaranca, Juan Carlos. Universidad Mayor de San Andrés; Bolivia. Universidad de Los Lagos; ChileFil: Valdivia, Carlos E.. Universidad de Los Lagos; ChileFil: Novaro, Andrés J.. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; ArgentinaFil: Lucherini, Mauro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas y Biomédicas del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia. Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas y Biomédicas del Sur; Argentin

    Bad company expands in highland areas: Overlapping distribution, floral resources and habitat suggest competition between invasive and native bumblebees

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    Bumblebees are key pollinators, but their global decline is being driven by factors such as invasive species. Bombus terrestris has invaded many countries, displacing and competing with native bumblebees for resources throughout many different habitats, which causes native populations to decline. In the Chilean highlands, Bombus funebris—a Chilean species under threat—shares its habitat with B. terrestris, suggesting that the two species could be competing for resources (e.g., flowers or habitats) within this ecosystem. However, an information gap in this regard prevents us from proposing conservation measures. Our goals were (1) to assess overlapping distribution between native and invasive Bombus species, (2) to determine any niche overlap in the use of flowers between the two bumblebee species, and (3) to document the predictors that influence their abundance. We conducted a survey in northern Chile between 2017 and 2019 with different latitudinal and altitudinal sampling points to count bumblebees and record their interaction with flowers, both in natural and perturbed habitats. We analyzed their overlapping distribution using the chi-square test and evaluated the use of floral resources and their overlap niche through an interaction network analysis. Predictors and bumblebee abundance were associated with a general linear mixed model. We found the distribution of both bumblebees overlapped by 94.3 %, whereas the overlap niche index (NO) for the common use of flowers was high between B. terrestris and B. funebris (NO = 0.78). The abundance of both bumblebee species was associated with the use of natural scrubland in the highlands. Our results suggest that both species are likely to have a competitive dynamic for floral resources in the high Andean scrubland. As such, we propose implementing an export ban on invasive bumblebee species, coordinating measures between bordering countries, removing any remaining B. terrestris populations, and restoring native flora to attract native pollinators and to provide and manage pollination services in the Chilean highlands

    Density and activity patterns of Andean cat and pampas cat (Leopardus jacobita and L. colocolo) in the Bolivian Altiplano

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    Context: Understanding the factors that determine the distribution and abundance of species is an important aim of ecology and prerequisite for conservation. The Andean cat (Leopardus jacobita) and the pampas cat (L. colocolo) are two of the least studied felids. Both are threatened, of similar size and live sympatrically in the Andes of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Perú. Aims: We aimed at estimating the population densities of the Andean cat and pampas cat in two continuous areas and to analyse the activity patterns of these two species and that of mountain vizcacha (Lagidium viscacia), the main prey of the Andean cat. Methods: We used camera traps to evaluate the density of both felid species using the space explicit capture recapture (SECR) framework and the overlap in their activity patterns with that of mountain vizcacha, using the kernel-density estimator in two contiguous areas in the Bolivian Altiplano, at Muro-Amaya and at Micani, both within the Ciudad de Piedra region. Key results: Andean cat density was estimated at 6.45 individuals per 100 km2 in Muro-Amaya and 6.91 individuals per 100 km2 in Micani, whereas the density of the pampas cat was 5.31 individuals per 100 km2 and 8.99 individuals per 100 km2 respectively. The Andean cat was mainly nocturnal, whereas the pampas cat was cathemeral. The activity of the mountain vizcacha overlapped less with that of its specialised predator, the Andean cat, than with that of the pampas cat. Conclusions: In line with our predictions, the Andean cat, considered a more specialised nocturnal hunter, particularly of mountain vizcacha, had lower population densities than did the more generalist pampas cat. Implications: Low population densities, as compared with theoretical expectations, pose an additional conservation problem for these felids, in an area such as the high Andes